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 Body and Mind


Your body has a story to tell!  It has been holding the collective harm as well as the glorious light since your first breath.  You were created to bring something unique and particular to the world and your body remembers.  Yoga is an invitation to return home to the deep wisdom and truth the body holds and to listen and respond with love. 

We will hold open a sacred space so that you can learn to enter the stillness and rest in the ground of your being.  You will grow in curiosity, kindness and courage as you learn to embody more of who you were created to be.

When I started taking yoga with Jean, I didn’t realize how much trauma I was holding in my body. Jean’s class helped me to relax, become more flexible, and feel more integrated. This class has been a great benefit to me physically, mentally, and emotionally.
— Andrea R.
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Yoga for Healing

Yoga for Healing

The first step is always showing up!  As you unroll your sticky mat, you are declaring that the maintenance of your body, mind, heart and soul matter.  As you return to the present moment you will experience the peace that is always there awaiting your return. 

We will engage in a powerful yet gentle practice which teaches the balance of strength and surrender.  You will gain physical strength and flexibility as well as greater emotional intelligence and a quieter mind which is able to choose to move away from energy draining distractions to step toward life giving concentration and focus. 

The breath is the magic that fuels the practice and connects you to the powerful flow of life.  Mindful breathing is one of the most healing practices you can choose and continuously ushers in transformation from the inside out.

This yoga practice is meant to bring restoration to the most important relationship you can invest in, which is the relationship with your own body/self.  As you return to this practice of self-love, it will ripple out and affect all other relationships.  As you open your heart physically it opens emotionally and relationally.  This gift of self love brings a feeling of integration or wholeness.

Yoga for Healing: Fridays, 9:30 - 11:00 CST

Investment: 1 class / $25 or 5 classes / $100

Some of the Many Benefits of Yoga Include:

  • Improves strength and flexibility

  • Improves postural alignment – ability to move with ease

  • Drains lymph system and boosts immunity

  • Lowers stress hormones (cortisol) to relax stress response

  • Improves overall balance

  • Increases focus and inner strength

  • Helps you relax and improves sleep

  • Improves mood – decreasing anxiety and depression

  • Releases tension from the body and mind

  • Builds self awareness which leads to transformation

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 Online Yoga Workshops

 Online Yoga Workshops - Coming Soon!

  • Yoga for Anxiety

  • Trauma Sensitive Yoga

  • The Body as Storyteller

  • Yoga and the Chakras