Enneagram Discovery and Coaching Session

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Enneagram Discovery and Coaching Session


A 2 hour personalized discovery coaching session and an online Enneagram assessment to help you discover deeper truths about yourself, your Enneagram style and your related coping patterns tied to your story. This Discovery Session is for you if you want to dive deeper into your understanding of yourself and corresponding Enneagram number for spiritual, relational and transformative purposes. Walk out feeling seen, known, loved and ready to step fully into your Essence!

Sign up today and receive:

·  Clarity, wisdom, and insight into who you are and why you do what you do and how to begin to truly transform

·  Exploration of your core motivations and fears that drive your personality and style of relating

·  A safe and loving space to ask questions about your number and how to use it’s power for transformative change

·  A deeper dive into your relational tendencies and how other numbers can provoke and support you

·  Space to unpack uncertainties and remove the obstacles that are keeping you stuck in outworn ways of thinking, feeling and moving in the world

·  Awareness of your unique and particular goodness and contemplative practices to re-orient you in times of stress and to help you rise above your specific challenges

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